Chella Man and Nyle DiMarco have an instructional Youtube video that takes place at a movie theater titled “What Happens When Deaf People Go to the Movies.” The video serves as an informative video into what going to the movies as a deaf person can look like and how it affects them. The video also shows the struggles that deaf people face in their daily lives by doing simple everyday things, as well as the extra time-consuming procedures that have to take place. These are things that “normal” people like us don’t have to even think twice about or deal with at all. I believe the video was intended for all audiences as we should all learn and be aware of the struggles and lack of inclusiveness that deaf people face. The overall vibe of the video brings frustration and awareness to the viewers. I believe that the most important message is that we are all human even with our differences, and with the advanced technology that we have today we should have better systems to provide an overall better experience for deaf people in all aspects of our everyday lifestyles.