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CLASS NOTES 3/31/2022


Updated: Apr 14, 2022


We began class with our notecards and answered the question of what our part two looks like. Then we drew a self-portrait with a beard for two minutes. When finished with our notecards, Seven read the log from the last class and we briefly reviewed ethos, logos, and pathos.

After our discussion, Mat asked if we had signed up for 20803 and talked about how 10803 and 20803 are prerequisites for the new class he will be teaching. We were also shown a WGST promotional video.

Then Seven presented her mentor text talk where she played the beginning of episode one of the show “Colin in Black & White” which is about Colin Kaepernick. Colin is a former NFL quarterback who shares what his highschool life was like through this show. She related the show to her work as it talks about student athletes and the stereotypes that come with being one. Her talk also related to the composition in terms of the where we are from, where we are now, and where we are going as it has Colin’s current self narrating and reflecting on his past. Through her talk we also got to see power dynamics like we have previously discussed in class.

After Seven’s talk, Mat asked us how we are doing with our competencies checklist.

He then told us about the real-world responses for each mentor text. These are short responses (or campaigns) including a link to the mentor text on a platform such as a podcast, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You also have the option to create a blog but you still have to share on social media.

In terms of our checklist, the analysis relates to the context in the classroom, while the response is moving away from composition and creating an honest response (or how the text made you feel rather than an opinion). When creating our response, Mat said he would rather us not have a hateful response. You can however respectfully disagree as that is encouraged and welcomed.

Mat then went around the class individually asking people how they are doing and gave advice on how to achieve any information that was missing. After that, we went over our deadlines for class. Everything on our checklist is due on April 26th, and our final campaign should be on our website by May 5th at 5 pm. April 12th will be the makeup day for any missed mentor text talks.

The last 20 minutes of class were used as a workshop. Our only homework (other than working on our checklists) is to have something ready to share with our response group on Tuesday regarding our final campaigns.


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